Monday, May 14, 2012

Balancing Breastfeeding and Returning to Paid Employment

Pictured above: Licia Ronzulli, Italian representative to the European Union Parliament, Sep. 2010

Announcing my new local workshop...Breastfeeding and Pumping for the Working Mom.

Going back to work or school after becoming a mom is a challenging experience and an ever-increasing necessity with our current economic climate.  I went back to work when my son was just 12 weeks old with feelings of both excitement to get back into the "real world" (ha. ha.) and worry about leaving this new love of my life under the care of someone other than me.  Not to mention wondering: "How in the world is this pumping thing going to work?"

With planning, information, and support of your employer, caregiver, and family, you too can balance being a breastfeeding and working mom - reaping the many financial, emotional, and physical benefits for you, your baby, family, employer, and community.  

This workshop is perfect to take while pregnant or before returning to work.  Spouses, partners, and/or caregivers also encouraged to attend!  Click on flyer below for details... 

Some interesting to follow link...